Our Gifts to You - Enjoy!

Scriptures for Challenging Times

In life we all will experience difficult moments, but our Heavenly Father reassures us that he will walk us through till the end. May His word give you hope and peace to see you through as His words overshadow you with His Love and a promise of a better tomorrow.

Healing Scriptures

God loves you and His will is that you live life with all that He came to give us. You might ask, Olga how do I know that it is His will for me to walk in health? All you have to see is what your Heavenly Father done for you and all that are His children. He sent His only begotten son to die on the cross and one of the things that was accomplished was the promise that by Jesus Christ's stripes we are healed. No can we, but we are! Let me encourage you to hold on to His promises, because He never fails those who put their trust in Him.