Healing Scriptures

-He took your infirmities & I bore your sicknesses (Mt. 8:17).

- I am the Lord your physician (Mt. 9:12 & Ex. 15:26).

-I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt. 4:23).

-I give you power & authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out, & to heal all manner of
sickness & all manner of disease (Mt. 10:1 & Lk. 9:1).

-Healing is the children’s bread (Mt. 15:26).

-If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mk. 9:23; 11:23, 24).

-My anointing heals the brokenhearted, and delivers the captives, recovers sight to the blind, and sets at liberty those that are bruised (Lk. 4:18; Isa. 10:27; 61:1).

-I am not come to destroy men’s lives but to save (make whole) them (Lk. 9:56).

-Behold, I give you authority over all the enemy’s power & nothing shall by any means hurt you
(Lk. 10:19).

-The words I speak unto you are spirit and life (Jn. 6:63).

-If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (Jn. 14:14).

-I, Jesus Christ, make you whole (Acts 9:34).

-I do good and heal all that are oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38).

-My power causes diseases to depart from you (Acts 19:12).

-The same Spirit that raised Me from the dead now lives in you & that Spirit will quicken your
mortal body (Rom. 8:11).

-I have given you My name and have put all things under your feet (Eph. 1:21, 22).

-I want it to be well with you and I want you to live long on the earth. (Eph. 6:3).

-By My stripes you were healed (I Pet. 2:24).

-My Divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the
knowledge of Me (II Pet. 1:3).

-I am the Lord that healeth thee (Ex. 15:26).

-I have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague (Deut. 28:61 and Gal. 3:13).

-I will satisfy you with long life (Ps. 91:16).

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